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Writer's pictureShantanu Jamble

Scene Extraction from Unity

One of the biggest hurdles ahead of team while building the engine is to have a level editor. But with the manpower and experience in the team, it was too much of a time investment. So, we came up with a solution to avoid that and make our lives a bit easier.

We created a simple tool to extract scene data from Unity and put it in the format as we need for Using it in Falcon. This means we can use Unity as a level editor. The tool is completely written in python3.

Following is the example of Scenes extracted from the Unity and put in Falcon,

Unity Scene

Falcon Scene


  1. Extracts entities data from the unity and creates Falcon compatible assets data.

  2. Auto generation of the Assets in the file structure as expected by the engine.

  3. Easy to modify and extend for specific cases.

To do:

  1. Add automated setup for terrain and skybox which currently needs to be done manually.

  2. Add automation for the vehicle data.

Issues or Interesting problems:

The major issue was to create the directories for GUIDs and actual file path mapping. Once that is done, I had all the meta-data needed for creation for all the Falcon assets.

To get the idea about how Unity is storing materials and prefab data, I just picked a guid and started grepping throughout the project, checked all the files I found and decided which ones I needed. It was pretty interesting to figure out how Unity is storing these things.

For usage:

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