Physics engine is an important component of the game engine. As falcon needs to support a simulation of a racing experience, vehicle physics needs to be realistic. That is the reason we decided to go ahead with NVIDIA’s PhysX 4.1.
Vehicle sdk is an extension if PhysX which provides support for the realistic vehicle physics which we want for Falcon.
After the first integration cycle, we now have very basic utilities like colliders and simple vehicle physics included in the engine. For parallelism, we're planning to rely on the engine's job system.
Following is a workflow of physics update in Falcon,
You can check out detailed code on the Git,
Following is a demo of scene in PVD which depicts the rigidbodys and collider support,
Future enhancements :
1. Make Falcon's custom allocators support for Physx
2. Improving the filtering of entities we need to apply physics on
3. Adding more utilities to control small setting in the physics and being able to change them on the fly.